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Länsilinkki Oy


Our company

Länsilinkki was founded in Turku in 1991. Länsilinkki offers fixed line telecom operators upgrades to modern telcom solutions for consumer base management, traffic control and maintenance.

By focusing telcom service procurement to Länsilinkki telecom operators kan aquire a flexible service portfolio.
By producing similar services to several operators Länsilinkki can achieve scale benefits with regards to both cost efficiency and competent resources.

Our mission

Länsilinkki offers operator customer a flexible and cost effective way to connect to the Finnish telecommunications network. Services offered range from SIP-trunk solutions to network solutions, IP-exchanges and invoicing solutions.


Our Services


Länsilinkki is a full service mobile operator. Länsilinkki produces call and data labels, call routing and billing for corporate customers. Länslinkki operates and manages mobile subscriptions in DNA's network.

Through us, you get the right for your employees, both large and small. All of our subscriptions are also available at 5G speeds and offer mobile broadband from large needs to more individual M2M applications.

With our mobile subscriptions, you get clear invoices and you do not commit to a fixed term. We only enter into agreements that are valid until further notice, in which case our pricing is clear and transparent throughout the customer relationship. As a customer, you no longer have to worry about possible price increases in connection with ongoing contract renewals.

Operator services

Länsilinkki operator services offer operators a comprehensive, quick and costeffective interconnection to Finnish telecom networks. For operators this means access to the entire Finnish telecom network via a single interface. Länsilinkki does the clearing between telecom operators.

Länsilinkki offers also invoice services and value added and non-geographic number services.

More than 20 operators of various sizes rely on Länsilinkkis services.
Number solutions

Free , value added and non-geographic numbers

Länsilinkki offers operators a range of free (0800), value added (0600, 0700) and non-geographic number solutions. Solutions can be based on ported numbers and are independent of the physical location of the caller and the service provider.

All these solutions fulfill Finnish government regulations.

  • Länsilinkki is responsible for traffic management, consumer pricing and call charge clearing between operators.
  • Operators are responsible of customer relations with service providers. 

Länsilinkkis clearing service manages the call charges and access- and terminal fees between interconnected operators. Länsilinkki will provide each operator monthly a single clearing invoice summarizing all the call charges, fees and compensations towards all other operators.

This single clearing invoice replaces bilateral invoicing towards each single operator - in Finland there are more than 20 operators. This significantly reduces labour costs and reduces the amount of money bound in the clearing process.

Call pricing

Call pricing in the Finnish telecom network require complex number processing due to free pricing of value added numbers, porting of numbers and use of access priced calls. Because Finnish call charges are based in charging pulses on many call types they are not easily processed in all ERPs.

Länsilinkkis ticketing process collects CDRs from telecom exchanges and modifies data into the uniform Unifin-format. This data can be fed to Länsilinkkis Call pricing process that produces monthly ready made call price data rows to each subscriber and call type to be used by operators for their subscriber billing processes.

VoIP Solutions
  • The Länsilinkki SIP-trunk services connect VoIP-PBXs of operators endcustomers to the telecom network. A number of different trunk implementations have been released for various sizes of VoIP-PBXs. Number portability allows the use of land line and non-geographical numbers.
  • The VoIP service offers a modern and safe operator level production platform for implementation of VoIP solutions for home and small businesses. The VoIP service supports all normal phone features and a wide range of consumer devices and fulfills the requirements of Finnish telecom authorities. Flexible provisioning tools for management of subscriptions and consumer devices brings efficiency to the operations. With number portability the end user can keep his/her old telephone number when entering the VoIP-service
  • Länsilinkkis IP-PBX-solution is a flexible and competitive cloud based communication solution to be used by operators as a white label solution for their customers. No PBX HW is needed at the customer site and many types of end user devices can be used. The IP-PBX-solution has an efficient switchboard display and good queing services and excellent reporting properties, it is also well suited for call centers. The IP-PBX-solution supports simultaneous use of land line numbers, non-geographical numbers and mobile numbers of different operators.
  • The Lync®-trunk service connects the Lync® implementations of operators end users to the Finnish telcom network. This ensures seamless speech and meeting applications.

Pricelist for operators (Hinnasto in finnish)




Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our company services, products or people don't hesitate to call us.

You can reach us via number 0800 50600 or via email

Länsilinkki Oy Invoicing Instructions 


Please find below our address and invoicing channel details. We kindly request that invoices be sent primarily as e-invoices with the following details: 


  • Company: Länsilinkki Oy  
  • VAT number: FI08532511 
  • E-invoice address: 003708532511 
  • Operator code: BAWCFI22 
  • Peppol ID: 0216:003708532511  


Alternatively, you may send invoices via email to (PDF format only) 


Please note: 

  • This email address is exclusively for invoices. In other matters, please contact your contact person at LeadDesk. 
  • The scanning service accepts maximum of 20 PDF files per email. 
  • The invoice must include the name of your contact person at LeadDesk (person's name, e.g. John Doe).